thongs - raw ethernet frame sniffer and generator

Stable Tarballs

Following stable releases are curretly available:

Thongs version 0.7: 0.7.

Development release:

Development version of thongs is found from github.
It can also be fetched using git client by issuing command

git clone


After obtaining thongs compile and (optionally) install it by issuing commands:

sudo make install

in folder where Makefile is located. Note that thongs needs ncurses library (also form, menu and panel libraries). Typically these are all included in ncurses development library, often called as ncurses-devel. On Fedora you can install ncurses by issuing command

sudo yum install ncurses-devel

See also my other projects:
nibbles - UDP print listener | NSN - Network Status Notifier | epb - Ethernet Packet Bombardier

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